Custom branding

Customise the branding of the platform to your needs


One of the key differentiators of the 3rdRisk platform is that its default design can be customised. Custom branding or white labeling means that the design of the platform is tailored to the corporate identity (e.g. logo, primary and secondary colours, and supported fonts) of your organisation. The platform can be branded in such a way that it appears that your organisation has made it.

Custom branding

By applying custom branding, the entire platform will get the look and feel of your organisfation's corporate identity. This includes the backend (the core of the platform), the assessment portal (the environment where third parties complete due diligence assessments) and the various communication channels of the platform such as e-mail and chats initiated by the virtual officer.


The backend consists of the sign-in screen and gives access to the platform with all its modules. The logo, colours (e.g. background, buttons) and visuals used in the backend can be customised to your needs. For example, for one of our end customers (a large retailer) we added their shopping malls and delivery trucks at the visual of the sign-in screen.

Default templateCustom branding (example)

Assessment portal

The assessment portal is the environment where third parties log in to complete due diligence assessments. Again, the logo, the colours and font type can be customised according to your corporate brand guide.

Default templateCustom branding (example)

E-mail template and virtual officer

In addition, e-mail templates and the virtual officer can be tailored to your branding requirements.

Default templateCustom branding (example)




The 3rdRisk partner is in the lead to coordinate the process of customising the platform to your needs. The 3rdRisk team will implement the branding requirements provided by you through the 3rdRisk partner. If no partner is involved, the 3rdRisk team will directly reach out to you.

1. Discuss branding

In the first step, the 3rdRisk partner will discuss the need for custom branding with you. Most end customers want their corporate stylesheet applied to the platform and select the custom branding option as this provides the best experience for internal stakeholders (e.g., the business) and third parties.

2. Complete intake form

Customisation of the branding and design of the platform can only be done by the 3rdRisk team. To initiate the custom branding process, a custom branding intake form needs to be completed. This form is completed by either you or the 3rdRisk partner with input from you. To complete this form, you need to have the following information available:

  • Customer name: <name of the end customer>
  • Corporate logo: <in .PNG format and with a transparent background>
  • Primary colour: <in Hex format such as #EE1C25>
  • Secondary colour: <in Hex format such as #00A1E4>
  • Fav-icon: <see for more information on fav-icons here>
  • Avatar: <in .PNG format, could be the same as used for social media>
  • Name of the partner: <name of the 3rdRisk partner>
  • Contact person: <contact person of the 3rdRisk partner>
  • Contact details: <e-mail address and phone number>
  • Order number: <order number provided by 3rdRisk>
  • Remark: <e.g., specific requests or preferred due date>

You can download the custom design intake form at the bottom of this page.

3. Review and support

The 3rdRisk partner supports you with completing the intake form and conducts a review to ensure that all necessary information is provided. After a check, the 3rdRisk partner will send the intake form to the 3rdRisk team via e-mail or chat.

4. Implement

Upon receiving the custom branding intake form, the 3rdRisk team will start implementing the custom branding and design requirements. On average this will take two to five days but can be accelerated if necessary. Please indicate this in the intake form.

5. Approve

The final step in the custom branding process is reviewing the customised environment by the 3rdRisk partner and obtaining your formal approval.

The 3rdRisk team will provide the 3rdRisk partner access to the customised backend and share screenshots of the assessment portal, e-mail templates, and chat messages. The 3rdRisk partner or the 3rdRisk team will discuss this with you and ask for formal approval. You must confirm by e-mail to the 3rdRisk partner or the 3rdRisk team that the custom branding is applied according to your expectations.

Download intake form

Download custom branding intake form