
Visualise your data and make it actionable

As you store a lot of data on the platform, you must have a dashboard that provides you with an actionable overview of the key metrics. By default, the platform is shipped with an interactive dashboard that allows you to drill down through the lowest level of your data.

Default dashboard setup

Dependent on your subscription, you can have a dashboard for extended control (third-party risk management), internal control, or a combination (both internal and extended control).

Extended control dashboard setup

By default, all organisations and users with an extended control subscription (for third-party risk management) will get the following dashboard:

The ecosystem section shows the most important metrics within your 3rdRisk environment:


Click on a segment in the doughnut to quickly filter the associated list (Below the pie chart).

Use the list to navigate with one click to the associated record.

Quickly view and reset (the green icon) the applied filter:


Displays the segmentation of your third parties.

The data of this dashboard section is derived from your third-party catalogue.

Segmentation is based on the defined risk profile.

The coloured dots represent the assigned risk profile:

Green = Low

Yellow = Medium

Red = High

Dark red = Critical

The list is sorted on the risk profile value, from critical to low.


Displays all your internal & external risks.

The data of this dashboard section is derived from your risk register.

Scoring is based on the residual risk score.

The coloured dots represent the assigned risk scoring aligned with the risk matrix in your risk register.

The list is sorted on the residual risk value, from critical to low.


Displays all your internal & external incidents.

Data from this dashboard section is derived from your incident register.

Scoring is based on the incident classification score.

The coloured dots represent the incident classification scoring:

Green = Low

Yellow = Medium

Red = High

Dark red = Critical

The list is sorted on the incident classification value, from critical to low.

Remediation plans

Displays all your remediation plans.

Data from this dashboard section is derived from your remediation plans.

The doughnut displays the criticality of the remediation plans:

Green = Low

Yellow = Medium

Red = High

Dark red = Critical

The timeline outlines the due dates over time. You can easily click on a month to filter on remediation plans that have a due date in that specific month.

The list is sorted on the due date.

Internal control dashboard setup

By default, all organisations and users with an internal control subscription will get the following dashboard:

The internal control section shows the most important metrics within your 3rdRisk environment:

High and critical risksShows the number of open risks with the residual risk rating high or critical. Click on the number to go to the risk register.
High and critical incidentsShows the number of open incidents with priority high or critical. Click on the number to go the incident register.
Business Radar widget (optional)Shows you recent news items in which your organisation is mentioned. Click on the news item to read the news article. Articles presented in a red box indicate a negative news article.
Credit rating (optional)

Gives the financial credit rating of your company as provided by the external data provider (e.g. Creditsafe), including an indication of the trend.


Cybersecurity score (optional)

Gives your organisations cyber security score as rated by an external data provider (e.g. BitSight or Securityscorecard)


Sustainability score (optional)

Provides insight into your organisations sustainability rating as provided by your external data source provider.



Shows the percentage of self-assessments in each phase:





Hover over to see the %. Click on a phase to get a list of the assessments that are in that particular phase.

PerformanceShows the % of assessments per quarter and per framework section that have been tested with the testing result effective. Click on a 'dot' to get the assessments per framework section with the test conclusion not effective.
Issues & ActionsGives an overview of the open issues and associated open action plans.
Reward and engagementShows an overview of colleagues that have performed best according to predefined performance indicators.

Combined dashboard

If you have a subscription for internal control and extended control, you will get an integrated dashboard covering all progress, performance, and task indicators.

Dashboard widgets

If you use one or more integrations, the dashboard will be extended with one or more widgets. Each integration has its own widget displaying key information such as rating changes or alerts. Below are a few examples:

Cybersecurity rating widget

Business news widgets

Sustainability score widget


In the current release, we have created a best-practice dashboard setup that will provide most organisations with the most value without any configuration.

Known module limitations

  • Currently, the configuration options like changes in graphs or data sets are limited.
  • Users cannot create their customised dashboard. This is an item on our roadmap.