
Use the power of visualisation to get a better understanding of your ecosystem

This ecosystem module provides a visual overview of your ecosystem, including the different tier levels of your third parties. It allows you to click through your supply chain and easily view interdependencies and potential risk areas in one glance.

Diagram explanation and data sources

In the ecosystem, module click on (right corner):

You will enter the full-screen mode:

The full-screen mode of the ecosystem contains the following elements and functionalities:

1. The central dark blue circle of the diagram is your organisationThe title of the circle is named after your organisational name and is derived from the organisation name of your organisation profile.
2. The other circles represent the different third parties of your organisation.These are all the third parties registered in your third-party catalogue. The titles of circles are the third-party names of the third-party records.
3. The line under the third-party name represents the associated risk profile.

This value is derived from the value set of the risk profile value on a third-party record.

1. Green = low-risk profile

2. Orange = medium-risk profile

3. Red = high-risk profile

4. Dark red = critical-risk profile

Check the third-party catalogue docs for more info about the different risk profiles.

4. A circle with a double and border represents a third party with known subcontractors
(you can click on it to further open the diagram to view these)
These subcontractors, also known as fourth-, fifth- etc. parties, are derived from your third-party catalogue. If you link a third party via the location within the organisation field to another third party, the platform will automatically create these links. See also below.
5. The tier-level of a third-party

Based on the location(s) defined with the location within the organisation per the third party, the platform will automatically calculate and colour the tier level of the different third parties within your ecosystem.

  • Tier 1 is providing services directly to you
  • Tier 2 is a subcontractor
  • Tier 3 is a sub-subcontractor
  • Tier 4 is a sub-sub-subcontractor
  • Etc.

You can also see (and alter) this hierarchy of relations when you click on the location within the organisation on a third-party record in your third-party catalogue.

6. Centralise the ecosystem again in your organisationThe platform automatically resets your organisation's position to the centre by clicking on this icon.
7. Search throughout your ecosystem

With the search function, you can effortlessly search on:

The (partial) name of third-party

The associated tags on a third-party record

E.g. if you tag all your third parties associated with a particular project, this option allows you to highlight these quickly.

8. Apply filters to your ecosystem

With this option, you can set one or multiple filters in your ecosystem:

  • Country
  • Risk profile
  • Category

9. Exit fullscreenThis option allows you to exit the full-screen mode and navigate to your 3rdRisk environment.

An organisation can show up multiple times with different tier levels in your ecosystem, as you can assign different and multiple organisational locations per the third party in your third-party catalogue.

Search and filter results

Third-party will be coloured (of its tier-level) if a search or filter criteria is positive. Whereby the outer border circle of a third-party will be coloured green when a depending tier 2/3/4/x is identified. This way, you can easily see any dependencies throughout all layers of your ecosystem.

E.g. In the example below, we performed a search on "KPN", which is present in our ecosystem under the official name of "Koninklijke KPN N.V.". It is a direct supplier (tier-1) of our organisation, but it seems that is also a tier-3 supplier as it is also providing services to T-Mobile Netherlands. By performing the search, we see that KPN is coloured and that both Philips and T-Mobile have a green outer border as they have a relationship (indirect).

Overlay with third-party details

When you double-click on a third party, you will get an overlay with the specifics and characteristics relevant to this third party:

  • The internal involved stakeholders
  • The associated:
  • Contracts
  • Incidents
  • Assessments

Via this overlay, you can directly view all associated contracts, incidents and assessments or register a new one:

Click on the [x] to leave the overlay and return to your ecosystem.

Diagram updates

The platform automatically generates the diagram and continuously updates based on the latest changes in your third-party catalogue.

Known module limitations

  • There is not yet an easy export functionality for the complete ecosystem.
  • The tier levels are currently coloured up to tier-5, but you can register up to dozens of tier levels deep without a problem.