Organisation profile

Describe your organisation

Every organisation on 3rdRisk will get an organisation profile. This profile allows you to interact seamlessly with the platform and your third parties.

Create your organisation's profile

When you sign in to the platform for the first time, you will start by creating your organisation profile. If you decide to first play around with some demo data, then you can always manually navigate to this step:

1. Navigate to: Left side menu: Configuration - Organisation profile

2. Provide your profile details:

Organisation name (not editable)This field contains the organisation name provided during the registration. If you need to change this, please contact
Profile tag line *A small recognisable description of your organisation. This line will be published in the header of your profile and will make it easier for other users to identify your organisation on the 3rdRisk platform.
Associated operating entities *This field provides an overview of all associated operating entities (e.g., different external brands and organisations) that you represent. In future platform releases, this list will be used to streamline all third-party risk management activities in one 3rdRisk environment. 

You can also decide to create separate accounts per (local) entity. Still, the downside is that you will not be able to generate aggregated reports on a holding level and will have to take multiple subscriptions.

Use the tab key on your keyboard to add multiple operating entities.

It is only allowed to represent a legal entity on the 3rdRisk platform when you have full consent from the entity’s management and shareholders.
Year founded *The year that the organisation was founded.
Industry *Select one or more economic sectors of the economy that is associated with your organisation. The platform will use this information to provide industry-specific content and make connecting with relevant third parties more manageable.

Simply click the relevant industry to add it. Click on the x-icon to remove it.

The provided industry list is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC).

In case of a local entity registration, please list the associated entity industries instead of your global industries.
Number of employees *Select your organisation size in terms of employees. Different brackets are provided.

In case of a local entity registration, please list the number of employees of your entity instead of your global organisation.
Organisation type *

The applicable organisation type:

Public Company

Privately held

Government agency

International organisation



Religious organisation

Education institution


The platform will be using this information to provide organisation type-specific content.

Description *Provide an extensive description of the organisation, including critical aspects, services, locations etc.

In the case of a local entity registration, please provide a description of your entity instead of a description of your global organisation.

This information will make it easier for third parties to find you.
Website *The official website of your

For a local entity registration, please list the associated entity website address instead of your global website.

This information is used for identification purposes, providing some more background, and it can act as a future identifier for third-party reputation services.
Services and products *Overview of the primary service- and product lines of the organisation.

Use the tab key on your keyboard to add multiple services and products.

This information will make it easier for third parties to find you, plus the platform will be able to provide specific service and product content.
Country *The country where your organisation is located.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
Street and number *The associated street and number of the organisation.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
Apartment, suite, room etc.Optional additional associated address details.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
Zipcode *The associated zip code of the organisation.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
City *The associated city of the organisation.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
State / Province / Region *The associated State/Province/Region of the organisation.

List the associated entity address instead of your global address in case of a local entity registration.
Telephone number *Provide a contact e-mail address associated with your internal compliance/risk/security department.

If deemed necessary and we want to make sure that you are a legit representative of your organisation, we will be using this and official telephone numbers for verification and validation purposes.
Contact e-mail *Provide a contact e-mail address associated with your internal compliance/risk/security department. We will use this e-mail address to inform you about platform updates, maintenance and account issues.

If deemed necessary and we want to make sure that you are a legit representative of your organisation, we will be using this and official e-mail addresses for verification and validation purposes.
E-mail for 3rdRisk assessments *Provide an e-mail address for all 3rdRisk assessments. The platform will streamline all incoming assessments to this address.
3rdRisk organisation profile *With a 3rdRisk organisation profile, you are discoverable to other organisations on the 3rdRisk platform. They can easily add your organisation to their third-party catalogue and initiate assessments.

To fully leverage the platform's potential and streamline all in- and outgoing processes, it is advisable to activate your profile.
Authorised representative *Within the platform, you represent one or more legal entities. You must be an authorised representative of the listed legal entities (including the associated operating entities) and have the right to act on their behalf.

Please ensure that you are authorised before registering any legal entity on our platform.

* marked fields are required fields

3. Click [Submit].

Edit your organisation's profile

  1. Navigate to: Left side menu: Configuration - Organisation profile
  2. Search for the applicable field(s) you would like to update
  3. Update the field value(s) and click on [Submit].

Delete your organisation's profile

You can only delete your organisation profile when you close your 3rdRisk account. Please contact us via to cancel your subscription.

Known module limitations

  • The organisation profile creation is currently available on the desktop only.
  • Searching on the provided associated operating entities in an organisation profile is not yet possible.
  • The suggested industry services & products- and organisation-type-specific content functionality will follow in future releases.